Monday 15 June 2015

Pidato Bahasa Inggris 1 “E-Business”

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First of all, I would like to deliver my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, The Almighty. 
May the blessing and peace of Allah always be given to His Messenger, our prophet Muhammad SAW who has been delegated by Him to improve the behavior of the human being.
My honorable to the judges, our teachers and to all of you member of this house.
Today I will talked about “The advantages of e-business”.

Ladies and gentlement

The internet and the emergence of e-business has provided entrepreneurs with many new advantages and opportunities. The internet has created a business environment in which time and distance are less important, people have access to more information to help them make decisions and consumers have better access to a broader range of products and services. The internet has been door to a myriad (a lot) new business opportunities.
E-business has completely changed the way we buy. You’ve probably experienced some advantages of e-business as a consumer. And if you’re thinking about starting your own online business, you might be asking, ”What are the benefits of e-business?”.
Choosing a method to distribute products and services to costumers is one of the most important decisions business owners make when planning new ventures. Online business, or e-business, use the internet to interact with costumers and facilitate sales. Web-based business have a variety of notable advantages.

1. Cost-effective marketing
With an e-business, all of your marketing efforts end with one goal to drive traffic to your business website. With one central place to send costumers, your e-business website it allows you to use many online marketing tactics including email marketing, article marketing, social media networking and e-newsletters. Most of these online marketing efforts are very low cost or free, so an e-business allows for highly cost-effective marketing strategies.

2. Flexible business hours
E business breaks down the time barriers that location-based business encounter, according to e-commerce education. Because the internet is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, your business never closes. An e-business can literally be making money while you are fast sleep. And yours will be a store that never close.

3. Eliminates geographic boundaries
An e-business also allows you to broaden your reach. An online business can reach costumers in the four corners of the earth. As long as someone has an internet connection, you may be able to reach and sell your product or service to these visitors to your business website. From the countryside in Yorkshire to a busy corner shop in Japan and to a sleepy fishing village in South Africa, the internet is the world’s shopping window for your products.

4. Expedites costumer service
When costumers contact you, they want answers fast. Thanks to email and live chat software, e-business have no trouble fulfilling that need. Plus, these flexible forms of costumer service can extend past a physical store’s hours of operation. E-business is also offers the convenience of delivering products straight to a costumer’s front door, no braving or traffic needed.

5. Social media phenomenon

6. Go green

The most effective way to reduce your company’s carbon footprint is to run it online only. Fewer staff are needed and your employees can also work from home – save on transport costs and utilities like water. Everything can be done electronically and stored online too which helps to save paper.

So, there you have it Advantages of e-business or online business. As you can see, the benefits of internet in business are many… so it is time for you to get your own online business today. Let’s take this business opportunity in the era of globalization.
Remember, you must make a choice to have a chance or your life will never change.

Wabillahi Taufiq Wal Hidayah, Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


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